National Level Conventions Hosted by Institute

Vistas in Terna represent stellar scientific conferences with the most profound speakers from across the country. These national level conferences organized by our college invoke a spirit of yearning for the latest breakthroughs in dentistry. 


The Vistas are a perfect blend of learning and teaching- they help in the all-round unification and development of student, many of which come from all over the country. While these events are primarily catered for the post graduates, they promote creative ideas among all students and simultaneously provide a platform for scholars to impart their knowledge. 


These aim to inspire students to think innovatively and come out as pioneers in implementation whilst also teaching them organization and leadership abilities. With conferences and workshops specially crafted for idealistic skill enhancement and poster and paper presentations by students stiving to be the very best, these programs are highly coveted. 


Many highly esteemed national and international speakers have graced these events in the past. Spanning across the different fields of dentistry our Vistas include Endovista, Prosthovista, Periovista, Pedovista and Orthovista. Engineered to include students from all backgrounds, our Vistas, promote a feeling of ambition as well as enthusiasm for all in attendance.