Department of Public Health Dentistry
The focus of the department of Public Health Dentistry has been comprehensive approach to educate, prevent and promote the community regarding various oral diseases and to develop and plan strategies to prevent them through various outreach programs. Multidisciplinary approach to create, promote and establish positive perceptions about oral health in the community has been established. In the department of public health dentistry, several researches were undertaken by the staff and undergraduates.


Dr. Romi Jain
HOD & Reader
Dr. Jain is a graduate from V.S. Dental College, Bangalore and a post – graduate from Govt. Dental College, Bangalore. She was active in conducting various research activities, CDE programs and conducting dental camps during her postgraduation. Currently, she is a Reader and Head, in the Dept. of Public Health entistry and is involved with teaching ndergraduate students and conducting several oral health check-up camps. She also has several publications to her credit.

Dr. Nikhil Bhanushali
He is a graduate from SMBT Sangamner and a post graduate from Pacific Dental College, Udaipur. He is a Reader in the Dept. of Public Health Dentistry and is involved with teaching undergraduate students and conducting several oral health check-up camps.

Dr. Vaibhav Kumar
He is a post-graduate from KLE Institue of Dental Sciences, Belgaum. He is a Lecturer in the Dept. of Public Health Dentistry and is involved with teaching undergraduate students and conducting several oral health check-up camps.

Dr. Mahendra Gaikwad
Dr. Gaikwad is a graduate from Nair Hospital and Dental College, Mumbai. Currently, a lecturer in the Dept. of Oral Medicine, Diagnosis and Radiology. He has a publication to his credit and has been helping in organizing and conducting oral health awareness and check-up camps for the college.

Dr. Anahita Mandal
She is a graduate from Buddha Institute of Dental Sciences, Patna and is working as a lecturer in the Dept. of Public Health Dentistry. She is in involved with smooth flow of patients, overseeing the outpatients and clinical functioning of the undergraduate clinic. She has a teaching experience of 7 years.
Courses Offered
- BDS: 100 Students per year